Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 4 of the lockdown

Saturday - 28 March 2020

10 am - Woke up
12 pm - Had brunch
Now I have the entire day with me and today I decided to read some good magazines and books. So I opened my netbook and started reading. My phone was right besides me.
**Notification ring** It is a new WhatsApp message. Now most, I mean, 90% of messages are related to Covid-19, which is expected considering the current situation.
After few minutes later
**Notification ring** I have few Facebook, tiktok and Instagram notifications. I checked all of them and cleared them.
**Notification ring** - Another notification, another message.

Now I completely lost track that I was reading. So I decided to silent my phone and kept it aside from my desk. It was actually a nice co-incidence that the first magazine I opened and I came across a very nice article related to what I observed - How these notifications and social apps are not allowing us to enjoy small things in life. The below article is from "Yoga and Total Health" magazines March 2020 edition.

(This article is written by Pooja Shah, an ERP consultant who likes to teach yoga. She is also a freelance writer of poems and short articles)

After reading this article, I decided that I am not going to check any WhatsApp message and keep my phone aside for an entire day. Only answer calls and reach out to the phone when needed.

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